Thursday, August 23, 2007

Teachers' Day celebration

It was Teachers' Day.Everyone was bubbling with excitement.Just then, an announcement can be heard over the speaker."Everyone please assemble at the hall now, " The corridor was packed like sardines. It was suffocating and the noise was deafening. At the same time, parents were also invited to the Teachers' Day concert.

Our chairperson led us to the hall as we jostled our way through the crowd. There was a variety of performances performed by teachers as we settled down. Everyone was immersed in the performances. However, a shocking fate awaited them. Everyone was spellbound by the two performers dancing on the stage during a performance.

Suddenly, they bumped against each other and knocked their heads. There was a loud yell followed by a thud as they fell on the floor. They were in excruciating pain. Silence broke out. Apalled, parents and pupils burst out laughing. The two dancers' face turned crimson red. The whole hall was filled with laughter. I rubbed my eyes. It was unbelievable. However, the injury looks serious as their heads started swelling up and and the concert had to be called off. What a pity!
After sending pupils back to the class and parents out of the school, the two dancers who were teachers were brought to a nearby clinic. Whenever I think of it, I would laugh uncontrollably. It was an unforgettable incident that I would always remember.

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